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Ancient Wisdom in the Digital Age – Rediscovering Serenity and Strength

May 15, 2024 Today I read a research that points to the three most important elements in happiness and mental wellness: Friends Family Faith In a world bustling with the noise of the new, it seems we are urged to return to these ancient harbors of human connection and belief. And maybe, it is a lack of something to believe in the root cause behind the current mental health crisis in the youth....

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Navigating Change with the I Ching

Ever felt lost in the whirlwind of life’s changes? Fear not, because the ancient wisdom of the “I Ching” or “Book of Changes” has been steering folks through the maze of existence for thousands of years. Here’s a peppy peek into how this timeless Chinese classic keeps us balanced and ready to tackle the modern world’s curveballs. Embrace the Yin-Yang Life At the heart of the “I Ching” lies the dance of Yin and Yang—those iconic, swirly opposites that represent the universe’s ultimate dynamic duo....

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When I find myself in times of trouble

May 1, 2024 In today’s somewhat troublesome chapter, I’ve conjured a trio of trusty tools to tether my tumultuous thoughts, that never fail in stormy weather. First, a musical escape! The Beatles seems the obvious choice in times of trouble, whispering “Let it be.” Yet it is a melodramatic dive into the depths of opera that seems to peer into my soul, where Puccini’s crescendos cradle my spirit. Next, I unfurl the pages of my ever-faithful diary....

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A new kind of epistles

April 30, 2024 Dear Diary, Today, I found myself nostalgic for the old art of letter writing—oh, how thrilling it was! The entire process was a ritual: the careful selection of stationery, the slow and deliberate crafting of words, and the almost ceremonial sealing of the envelope. Each letter was a tangible piece of oneself, dispatched into the world with a hopeful heart, awaiting the soft thud of the postman’s approach to bring a reply....

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Observing the puppets

Dear Diary, Today I ponder how politics turns into a puppet show, where strings are cunningly pulled to manipulate the audience’s emotions. I observe how politicians, masters of discord, use their words to divide, anger, and pit us against one another, all in an effort to mobilize us for their own ends. I have decided, dear diary, not to partake in this spectacle. I choose not to engage in political arguments, so as not to become another puppet on the stage of their schemes....

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The new ayatollah

Dear Diary, Who would say that the 21st century would bring a new rise in Fundamentalism, this time not religious but ideological. Today I’ve been reflecting on how certain modern leaders, recently seen in Spain, whom I’ve dubbed the ’new ayatollahs,’ do not tolerate criticism and demand to be treated as infallible gods. Anyone who dares to question or dissent from their line (or simply inquires him on a corruption case that involves his wife) is quickly labeled fascist, ultra-right, or anti-democratic....

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Requiem for Thruth

Dear Diary, Today, I found myself feeling nostalgic, remembering those days when I used to breakfast with El País and El Mundo. Back then, reading newspapers was like a delicate dance among ideological lines, where one could be critical yet still construct their own version of the truth with a pinch of healthy skepticism and plenty of coffee. Oh, how times have changed! The digital revolution has painted the informational landscape in such strident colors that one might almost need sunglasses to look at it....

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Kant, how we miss you

Dear Diary, Today, as the world commemorates the 300th birthday of Immanuel Kant, that colossus of critical thought, I find myself musing over a rather peculiar homage. Imagine, dear diary, if those who usually move in herds, guided by ideological carrots, decided to take a break from their uncritical marches. What if, just for today, they decided to exercise their neuronal connections autonomously and critically? It would be a sight to behold: hordes of former sheep and sycophants, now transformed into independent thinkers, questioning dogmas and the commands of the beloved leader with the same fervor with which they once defended them....

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The Power of Endings – Memory's Playful Paintbrush

April 17, 2024 Dear Diary, What a match we witnessed today! It’s fascinating to observe how our memories of a football game are tinted by its outcome. For those who emerge victorious from the nerve-wracking penalty shootouts, the match is remembered as grand and epic. Each save and each goal are hailed as heroic deeds, destined to be celebrated in the annals of the club’s history. There are no regrets in their narrative, just the sweet euphoria of victory, which seems like a triumph of flawless strategy, though it may well have hinged on the whims of fate....

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Beyond Paleo – The Monkey Diet

April 15, 2024 Dear Diary, Today I stumbled upon an intriguing concept that might just revolutionize our modern eating habits—the Monkey Diet! Imagine a world in which our nutrition needs are covered with just bananas and peanuts. Such simplicity! The proponents of the Paleo diet might boast about their back-to-basics steak tartare and wild berries, but what about the sheer athletic prowess of our primate cousins? Not a hint of obesity in sight—clearly, they’re onto something with those treetop acrobatics, and what they eat!...