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Diary of a Procrastinating Perfectionist

March 20th Today, the clock taunted me with its mocking hands, pointing to three hours of pure, unadulterated productivity. But alas, capricious fate had other plans, as the mountain of work before me morphed into the nagging voice of an orderly conscience. That’s when the spirit of tidiness possessed me with unprecedented zeal. My files, those ancient guardians of chaos, cried out for organization. The drawers, dark abysses of forgotten mysteries, begged for light and order....

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One brick at a time

Dear Diary, Today’s musings led me down a path of unexpected tranquility, reminiscent of the age-old adage: “It is one brick at a time.” A simple yet profound lesson unfolded before me, whispering the importance of the journey over the destination. In a world obsessed with outcomes, I found solace in the idea of letting go, of surrendering to the process without the haste that often clouds our judgment. As I reflected deeper, it dawned upon me that our penchant for speed carries with it a shadow of doubt, a silent question of our own capabilities....

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Building a Second Brain

Building a second brain is about creating a system to process the vast amounts of information we consume and transform it into actionable knowledge. Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential, by Tiago Forte is one of the books of 2022. The underlying philosophy is very similar to that of Zettelkasten. Tiago Forte’s method is a pragmatic update to this note-taking system, which is popular in the academic world....